June 24, 2013

Whole 30 Failure!

You may have noticed that I have not been updating on my Whole 30 journey so here is my final update covering the last 2 weeks.
Week 3 was rough for me. My mom came for a short visit and I left the house. It’s easy to stick with Whole 30 when I am confined to my house, but going to the movie theater was rough. I was good and sat there with my bottle of water while everyone around me ate their popcorn. Then we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Again I held strong. No fresh baked bread for me. I ordered the sirloin steak, naked, Caesar salad (no croutons, but I did cheat a bit with the cheese and I’m sure the dressing was illegal too) and a baked sweet potato. Aside from my meal out I made it through week 3 okay, and lost another 1.5 pounds, which brought me up to 6.5 pounds in 3 weeks.
Then came week 4. Week 4 was rough start to finish. I tend to either be off or on and with 3 days left in my whole 30 journey I did not simply just fall off the wagon I jumped off that bad boy doing a canon ball into a pit of binge eating and guilty feelings.
It started with yet another disappointing run at the park. After letting the kids play at the splash pad for a bit we decided to pick up lunch at Sonic. There is nothing whole 30 compliant there so I decided to get the spicy popcorn chicken . . . and a shake. Total fail. I can’t do cheats. I just can’t. There is something inside of me that just clicks and once I cheat it’s like it makes it okay to cheat and I just keep doing it so it didn’t stop there. We had pizza for dinner and I just felt gross. It totally wasn’t worth it, but instead of getting back on track I spent the last 3 days eating all the things I worked so hard to resist. Each night I felt gross and horrible, but I still did it day after day.
Today would be my last day of Whole 30 and so I am trying to use that as a new starting point for me. I want to stay mostly paleo, but I also realize that I need to keep it realistic so I am working on a clean eating, paleo style, plan right now. I want to stay mostly grain and dairy free, but not make it a complete no no. I really just need to find something that works for me, but that I can stick with in the long run also. 
So there you have it. I am a Whole 30 failure.


  1. I commend you , totally, because I have NO willpower! I would have caved in Day 2!

    1. Thank you, Amy. I either have willpower of steel or no will power at all.

  2. I wouldn't have lasted; you still get an E for effort!!!

    1. Thank you, Kristen. It is frustrating to get so close and not see it through.

  3. You're not a failure! You rocked!! I totally understand though. During marathon training, I was great about no sugar. . and I have yet to get back on that wagon. It's tough!

    1. Thank you. It is hard. I can do really good for awhile but when I fall off I fall hard.
